Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Just Got SKooled In Photography Again!

Based on the response to various posts over this summer, I would say that I have discovered that Bloggies really want ya to say stuff. I guess I'd rather just post the photos and walk away but so many comments thank me for the writing. I really don't know why writing stuff seems so difficult for me because, if you knew me ... you would know that I can go on and on about life's minutiae. I have full command of my ability to misspell the King's English.

I’d just rather think that a picture is worth just short of a thousand words ... which means that I have now written my version of War and Peace on this blog. As for the photos, I know I continue to search for new and better ways to shoot things ... but sometimes I hit mental blocks and want to throw my camera against the wall because it all feels the same. The idea of travel to new places always seems to motivate me to charge the batteries and get me ready to shoot again.

Tonight, I have to share a recent find with you. One of my new followers really skooled me in photography. Check out the photos from the Jackal. Do yourself a favor and page back into the older posts at the bottom of the pages. This is a really gifted photographer! I sit and look at these and have a great appreciation for the patience required to shoot like this. Enjoy! Many of you inspire me in this very same way. I enjoy a new look at the world through your eyes.

So, if you find yourself in a photographic rut ... look at what others are doing ... and keep on shootin’!

NikonSniper Steve


Scrappelise said...

Thank you for telling, I will run to the JACKAL now. Just want to wish you a very good day at first! (or is it night in your part of the world.. now)

Patrinas Pencil said...

Thanks Steve for the link to Jackal's photography. Awesome.

It is always nice to 'hear' from you :)

Patrina <")>><

Jinksy said...

I like the words and pictures mixed - it adds a new dimension!

Oklahoma Granny said...

On my way to check out Jackal although I can't imagine photos better than yours.

kbear said...

Thank You for Jackal's link. great photography as well as yours. being an amateur photography myself I so enjoy others photos to gain tips for shooting better shots too. Thanks so much!

Craig Glenn said...

Thanks for the link SB! Great site with amazing photo's. I want to be like y'all when my camera grows up! LOL

Craig Glenn
Craig's Bird Watching and Nature Blog

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link, Stephen. jackal has some incredible shots!

Maundering mutterer said...

Steve: you write a great post. I enjoy your perspectives - both photographic and verbal. Please keep writing!

Flutterby said...

Thanks to you, I am now following Jackal, too. I love your pictures and your writing is delightful. You are gifted in two areas and I enjoy both. Thank you. If you ever do a book with your pictures please let me know. :)

Red Shoes said...

The only question I have is... is the Nikon D3000 a decent starting point for a DSLR? I was this lost when I started film photography... I'm amazed at the rate that the digital formats seem to be changing!!!


Rose said...

I like a variety of photos...and like different blogs for different reasons. Some I go to just for the photos, and a very few of those I have went back several years to see all they have posted.

I use my Time Stand Still blog for photos with few words and my Pics and Pieces blog is just a bit of this and that...some of what is happening now, some remembrances of childhood which the few people that read seem to love...

Unknown said...

Looked at Jackal photos a very gifted photographer. We never stop learning, photography is a craft that continues to change over time you can never no everything.

Glory to God said...

Steve -

Jackal does have some very good pictures. I think you too have a very special gift in this area. It shows your unique qualities as well.

God bless!

NikonSniper said...

my goodness red shoes jim.
a d3000 is an incedible finish let alone a starting point. i am only using d90's because i never change lenses. i can't afford three or four of the higher end nikon cameras. maybe one day. if you are confused with the d3000 ... take a basic camera class at a community college. you will probably find out it's the best camera in the room.
all the best. nikonsniper steve

Mellodee said...

Most of the time your captions are delightful and certainly enough. I don't need to read more about the photos! It might be nice to know the location and date, but its not essential to enjoying your special gifts!!

Its your it your way!

Red Shoes said...

Thanks, NikonSniperSteve!!
