Thursday, September 8, 2011

Living The Dream In South Korea

Just received this self portrait from our daughter, Tara. She is an Army medic stationed in South Korea. Times can be very gung-ho and suddenly start dragging like crazy. We miss her and hope to see her back here at Christmas.


LM said...

I hope she returns for the holidays as well. Sucks being away from home in uniform but I can also attest to how tough it is being on the other side of the world as well and missing your loved one at the table.

- An OIF Vet

Judy said...

A picture is worth 1000 words, but I bet you'd like to hear those 1000 words in person. God bless her!

Viviani (Harmonia e Arte) said...

Sei que se fosse possível, os pais jamais deixariam os filhos saírem debaixo de suas asas, pois para os pais os filhos sempre serão como crianças!
Que Deus proteja sua família em especial a bela Tara, para que ela cumpra sua missão com êxito e possa retornar aos braços dos pais, para assim usufruírem de muita paz e felicidade!!!
Abraço carinhoso dessa mais nova amiga!

Sally Cicada Designs said...

LOL--What a great shot!! Praying for you all today!!

Sarah ☺

Heather Riggleman said...

I just saw your pic about your daughter Tara. I was wondering if she is stationed with my sister Sarah Shaw (Imhoff) who is in the Army and stationed in Korea too! Love the picture. It caught my eye because my sister sent me a picture like that of herself as well.

Rogelio Córdova said...

Tara return the next christmas

Elaine said...

Great self portrait! Having her home for Christmas is all the present you'll need.

Anonymous said...

Great picture...says more than any words can..:>) God Bless Her For The Sacrifice She Makes For Our Country!!

ShEiLa said...

I really hope that you get that gift... having Tara home for Christmas.


Anonymous said...

It's set in stone I am leaving Korea no later than the 22nd

Unknown said...

thank you to your daughter..she looks like a character and a lot of son was in desert storm (Army ) and now is in the Kansas guard and is going into medical field (medic) I bet you must miss her a lot

Jean said...

I hope she comes home to you safe and sound.

Charisee310 said...

Tell your daughter thank you so much for her service to our country!